Thank You



Thanks for all the lessons I learned
when you walked into my life, then left me burned.
Thanks for all the heartache you caused
which brought my life to a brief pause.

Thanks for not listening when I needed you most
and giving me the feeling of being lost.
Thanks for making my life seem like one long rainy day
Because of the happiness you took away.

When you said you loved me I was on such a high
then I crashed when I realized you lied.
Thanks for all those things you brought to me,
even the tears that came as my heart began to bleed.

Now I have seen the light
and can finally put you out of my life.
For I see the sun beginning to shine
because I truly believe I now will be fine


Currently listening to: stick w u
Currently feeling: chakit pdn ulo
Posted by uhreeelicious on July 18, 2006 at 02:22 PM | watchathink?
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