Get Me

You know that you are always in my mind
In my heart, in my soul
And everywhere that I can think of

You know that I will always be just fine
I’m okay, I’m alright, I am super
And everything that I can think of

But not really, and I am sorry
‘Cause you’re not here, lying next to me

So c’mon and get me, get me, get me 
ARTHUR I’m yours, c’mon and get me
You’ll never be lonely, lonely, lonely
So ARTHUR c’mon and get me

You know that I have always dreamt of you
Only you, in the day, in the night
Every waking hour of my life

But not really, and I am sorry
‘Cause you’re not here, lying next to me

So c’mon and get me, get me, get me 
ARTHUR I’m yours, c’mon and get me
You’ll never be lonely, lonely, lonely
So ARTHUR c’mon and get me

diba angel favorite mo yan....hahaha...namiss mo yan you po

Currently listening to: get me
Currently feeling: wala
Posted by uhreeelicious on May 15, 2006 at 02:08 PM | 2 pikaboo!:D
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